
Love in the sand

How to show your love

Life is a voyage of self-discovery and learning self-love is one of the main steps on that journey. To love ourselves is to know ourselves, but, after we love ourselves, how do we share our love with friends, family, and spouses? Even if we don’t get anything in return, showing our love is like giving a blessing to the people…

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Three friends sneakers

Accepting people where they are

I’ve had many life lessons throughout my life, and one of the big ones has always been “accepting” people where they are. It hasn’t always been an easy lesson to learn, but I’ve found it very powerful when I have embraced it. When we don’t accept someone for where they are, we are in a place of judgment or trying…

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Savoring Life

You’ve probably heard the adage You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. But I’ve discovered that is not true at all—and all it took was getting a puppy to make me realize this. My sweetheart and I welcomed a beautiful seven-month-old Labradoodle, named Benji, into our lives. I’ve gone my whole life without owning a dog, and like Princess…

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The Law of Allowing

What would your life be like if you were in complete acceptance of yourself and those around you? Imagine letting in more love, more support, and more appreciation. Imagine yourself letting go in situations where you used to hold on. Imagine things falling into place easily. While it might sound too good to be true, these are some of the…

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Achieve Personal Growth for Successful Relationships

In order to be part of a strong relationship, you first need to have a solid relationship with yourself. As one relationship ends, it’s easy to fall into feelings of self-despair and doubt. Those feelings need to be built back up before you can embark on a new relationship. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but the growth…

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Coping With Jealousy in Your Relationship

Jealousy is a natural part of life for just about everyone, but it quickly goes from normal to problematic when it consumes your relationship. It’s impossible for two people to have a trusting, caring relationship when it’s built on an unstable foundation of jealousy. While jealousy is a serious issue, it’s not impossible to overcome. Here are some strategies you…

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Spontaneous, Fun Date Ideas For Any Relationship

As any relationship progresses, it’s bound to become less spontaneous. But that doesn’t mean it’s gone forever. There are many ways you can bring that sense of excitement and adventure into your next date night. Here are some ideas that work for any couple no matter where you live! Change your surroundings One of the best ways to be spontaneous…

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Set Core Goals for a Strong Relationship

We all set goals in many aspects of life — in our jobs, our health, our finances, and more. But yet, many of us are hesitant to set them in our relationships, leading them to get off track as a result. Setting goals is a great way to keep you and your partner on the same page about what you…

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Develop the Skills to Meet New People

Meeting new people is never easy, especially if you feel like you do not have the skills necessary to make a good first impression. We all need social networks in our lives to feel a sense of belonging that makes us thrive as people. With a little practice and a little perseverance, you can develop the skills you need to…

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3 Ways to Add Spark Back Into Your Relationship

No matter how long you and your partner have been together, there’s always an opportunity to put a little more passion in your relationship. Here are three easy ways you can reconnect with your partner and to help your relationship maintain a solid foundation for years to come! Pay Attention We’re all busy and may tend to get lost in…

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