What is a life coach?

A life coach works one-on-one with you to clarify what you want to accomplish; and teaches you success principals, processes, and techniques that will help you release limiting beliefs, identify areas of resistance, and develop better habits. A life coach will inspire, motivate and cheer you along to take positive action and hold you accountable for the commitments you make.

What is a Law of Attraction life coach?

A law of attraction (“LOA”) life coach also utilizes the Universal Law of Attraction to help you achieve your goals. As discussed below, the Universal Law of Attraction simply states that: like attracts like; you attract what you think most on and spend the most time feeling about. An LOA life coach knows that your thoughts and your feelings create your outcomes, and your life coach helps you harness that creative power deliberately. By helping you become more aware of how your energetic vibration is tuned, and learning to manage that signal more deliberately, you become a powerful agent of change in your life. This concept of focused positive attention and feelings works for whatever your goals are: great relationships, improved health, or increased wealth, just to name a few.

Who needs a LOA coach?

Everyone can use the help of an LOA life coach. It doesn’t matter if you’re a student, a mother or a corporate executive as long as you have an unfulfilled desire a LOA life coach could be right for you.

A LOA life coach can help guide you in many areas of your life: career, finance, relationships, or health.

A LOA life coach works best with a client that:

  • Has a strong desire to reach a particular goal.
  • Is committed to taking action to achieve the results she wants.
  • Wants a healthy, balanced, and energetic life.
  • Is open to spiritual principles and new ways of thinking.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a Universal Principle that says like energy attracts like energy. Applying this principal to our lives we need to realize that the combination of our thoughts and our feelings create an actual energetic vibration in our body. Consequently we are able to attract what we want by thinking about what we desire and spending time feeling how it would feel if we had already obtained it. One excellent resource for studying the Law of Attraction is the teachings of Abraham through Ester and Jerry Hicks, such as in their book: “Ask and it is Given.”

What is the difference between a life coach and therapy?

Life coaching and therapy are two very different things. Life coaching focuses on how changing your present can improve your future. Therapy focuses on how releasing your past can improve your present. Life coaching is not a substitute for therapy. Life coaching helps you identify and overcome obstacles on the way to obtaining a specific goal. Good therapy helps you identify and overcome unhealthy solutions that you created to survive your childhood and/or traumatic events. A life coach provides support systems and new perspectives, while serving as an accountability partner.

Both life coaches and therapists create major shifts in your thinking to enhance your forward progress. You need to determine which is right for you given where you are at in the present moment. 

What are some popular coaching topics?

  • Setting boundaries, and learning to say “no”.
  • Putting you first.
  • Determining what you want.
  • Focusing on your priorities.
  • Goal setting.
  • Creating healthy eating and lifestyle habits.
  • Organization and time management.
  • Getting personal needs met.
  • Attracting and deepening relationships with quality people.
  • Strengthening communication skills.
  • Becoming more intimate with family members.
  • Developing your spiritual side.
  • Discovering your personal mission or vision for yourself.
  • Designing a career path that inspires you.
  • Having more fun in life.