
Love Balloon

Bring more love into your life

Here it is—February.  The month of love, where heart-shaped balloons, chocolates, and flowers seem to be everywhere, reminding us of Valentine’s Day and the essence of love. That got me thinking about one of my favorite movies, Love Actually.  In the opening scene, people are greeting loved ones at the airport and Hugh Grant is narrating: Love is all around us. I’d have to agree!…

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Love in the sand

How to show your love

Life is a voyage of self-discovery and learning self-love is one of the main steps on that journey. To love ourselves is to know ourselves, but, after we love ourselves, how do we share our love with friends, family, and spouses? Even if we don’t get anything in return, showing our love is like giving a blessing to the people…

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Girl at the beach

Self-Love is Self-Taught.

We’re taught a lot of things growing up, but I don’t recall a class on self-love. It doesn’t matter where you are in life or how old you are, loving yourself more today will have very powerful and positive effects.  Self-love is defined as regard for one’s own well being and happiness. Check in with yourself and see how you feel.  The…

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Make self-love priority one

To me, life is a voyage of self-discovery and learning self-love is the main component. To love ourselves is to know ourselves, and to know ourselves is to recognize the full spectrum of our powers. When we practice self-love, we are continually naming and claiming all of who we are—and this includes the scariest parts. We accept the little peculiarities,…

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Energy is Everything.

You’ve probably heard the phrase actions speak louder than words, right? Well, your vibes speak louder than words too. Your energy is the greatest source of power you have. What does your energy say about you? When you vibrate a high-level of energy like love, you will receive that energy reflected back to you. But when you vibrate at a…

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Boost Your Love Life During the Holidays

The holidays are a time filled with loved ones, from friends to family to significant others. If you’re single, this can be a difficult time as you watch others share the season with a special someone. If you are in a relationship, the stress and busyness of the season can make quality time with a significant other the last thing…

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