Letting go of being perfect 

scrabble letters that spell perfectly imperfect

Chasing perfection takes a huge toll on your mental health and wellbeing because it’s an impossible goal: Perfection doesn’t exist. Perfectionism is when you hold yourself and others to exceptionally high standards and strive for flawlessness even if “good enough” would do just fine. It’s often seen as an admirable trait, but for anyone who lives with it, not only can it be crippling, it can prevent you from enjoying what you do or pursuing what you want. When we choose to let go of perfectionism, we can learn to love ourselves just the way we are. 

Here’s a few ways to help you let go.

#1. Stop comparing yourself 

We live in this crazy world of social media where people are comparing themselves to everyone else. But social media is not a realist world. Do yourself a favor and stop comparing yourself to others. The truth is: We all have something to offer. Try embracing your own unique gifts and sharing those with the world. Being true to yourself is the ultimate win.

#2. Let go of the need for approval 

Letting go of the need for approval means making choices based on what’s good for you, instead of worrying about how others will perceive your actions.

#3. Allow yourself to make mistakes

By letting go of perfectionism, you’re giving yourself permission to make mistakes. We’re all human and nobody is perfect—we all make mistakes.  That’s how we learn. By embracing our mistakes, it dissolves our fear and turns failures into opportunities to learn and grow. When we are able to shift our perspective and see mistakes as the chance to learn and gain wisdom, the fear of “not getting it right” will no longer hold us back. 

#4. Make peace with “good enough”

Replace the word perfection with good enough. When you find yourself striving for perfection, take a step back and ask yourself, “What is good enough?” Define good enough as clearly as you can, and then strive for that. By replacing perfect with good enough, you create achievable goals and set yourself up for success.  

#5. Set realistic expectations for yourself

Life is challenging enough without adding impossible expectations to the mix. Letting go of perfectionism means letting reality set your expectations instead of your self-imposed rules. It allows you to see yourself as human, with gifts and flaws that are unique to you. 

#6. Have compassion for yourself

Trying to be perfect can be exhausting. Letting go of that means recognizing that you are worthy just as you are, including your flaws and mistakes. It means treating yourself with the same compassion and respect you would give a dear friend or family member. So, remember to give yourself some self-compassion as you begin to let go of being perfect.Letting go of perfectionism is a process. It takes time, effort, and patience. You are good enough just as you are; you don’t need to prove it to anyone. Show yourself unconditional love and acceptance and remember that mistakes are part of the learning process, so embrace them.